Thursday, 31 December 2015

"HatTip" - Foolish Forecasts

Like more and more of us I no longer read the printed press. Yet I know what the newspaper money supplements will be full of at this time of year: useless - useless - financial forecasts for 2016.

How do I know this? Because it happens every year; it is as guaranteed as the sun rising in the east, as certain as that extra dose of misery unveiled in the Christmas Day East Enders episode.

But if these forecasts really are useless, how come they come around, again and again?

Tuesday, 15 December 2015

"HatTip" - You And I Are Different

People that know me will have read the title of this "HatTip" and exhaled a sigh of relief: who on Earth would want to be like me?!

Thankfully of course we are all different, in our own lovely, different ways. Each of us has different wants, needs, aspirations, values (morals, even), ages, states of health. Financially, we have differing incomes, debts, inheritances, spending patterns and so on.